Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

The Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), has approved forty (40) Institution Based Research (IBR) grantsworth sixty million Naira (N60,000,000) for the University of Benin. This follows the efforts by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Lilian Salami, to reposition the Institution’s research innovations for effective service delivery. The Vice Chancellor was briefed by the Director of Research and Development, Prof. M.A. Bamikole,who also delivered the letter of award from TETFUND to her. This number is unprecedented in the history of IBR grants in the University of Benin.The Vice Chancellor commended the University’s Research and Development Committee (URDC) for the thorough screening and peer review process of the research proposals submitted by staff before they were presented to TETFUND. Since research is central to innovations and development, the Vice Chancellor reaffirmed her commitment to research revolution in the University and congratulated the 40 Lead Researchers and their teamsfor making the University proud. The projects for the 40 IBR grants with their Lead Researchers are presented below.

S/N Name of Lead Researcher Project Title Department Faculty
1. Dr E.P. Akhator Process development for synthesis of refused-derived fuel from wood and plastic wastes in Nigeria.  

Mechanical Engineering



2. Dr N.A. Amenaghawon Development of Novel composite heterogeneous solid catalyst from fused waste marble tiles and plantain peduncle for optimized biodiesel production from non-Edible seed oil.  

Chemical Engineering



3. Prof.  E.U.Ikhuoria Antibacterial and photo catalytic application of rubber seeds shells-based magnesium oxide Nanoparticles.  



Physical Sciences

4. Prof. L.I. Salami Prevalence and determinants of childhood obesity among primary school pupils of Edo State, Nigeria. Vocational & Technical Education  


5. Prof.  N.A. Inegbedion Assessing the feasibility of the mature minor doctrine as a basis for minors’ participation rights in healthcare decision-making in Nigeria: A case study of Benin City.  

Public law



6. A.I. Aruomaren Effects of okra leaves and phytoestrogens on iron profile and reproductive capacity in Sprague Dawley rats. Medical Lab Science School of Basic Medical Sciences
7. Prof P.O Ibadin The Effect of forensic audit services on Tax fraud in Nigeria. Accounting Management Sciences
8. Dr. I.O. Adeleke Effect of emotional intelligence and self-efficacy therapies on the management of pre-retirement anxiety among civil servants in Nigeria.  

Educational Evaluation & Counseling



9. Dr.A.B. Enogieru Investigating the protective activity of Aqueous Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract on lead-induced neurotoxicity in adult Wistar rats.  



School of Basic Medical Sciences

10. Dr. A.O. Bakare Sustainable utilization of organic based mineral fertilizers for restoration and amelioration of nutrient depleted farm land in University of Benin  

Soil Science & Land Management






Prof K.O Ogbeide


Development of a weather monitoring system for assessing the effect of environmental conditions on photovoltaic yield in Edo State.


Electrical & Electronics Engineering



12. J. Jesumirhewe Mitigation of solute cluster formation by inhomogeneous deformation in thermomechanical processing of Al-Mg-Si-Alloys.  

Materials and Metallurgical Engineering



13. Dr. M.T.Abiodun Impacts of probiotics on cytokine levels,clinical course and outcome of children with severe malaria.  

Child Health


School of Medicine

14. Prof.  S.Konyeha Implementation of blended database web-base transcript processing (BDWTP) System.  

Computer Science


Physical Sciences

15. Prof.  A.P Oviawe Bone fracture healing potential of Tetracarpidium conoforum (Wallnut) root extract: extraction, isolation and characterization of bioactive chemical constituents.  



Physical Sciences

16. Prof.  O.I Ajayi Some comparative genetic responses in babies delivered by assisted pregnancies from natural and surrogate mothers  



School of Basic Medical Sciences

17. Dr. G.O. Egigba Performance of goats fed green and boiled maize husks ensiled with cassava peels and leaves with or without urea in total mixed rations.  

Animal Science



18. Dr. R.O. Imade Assessment of the efficacy of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Mimosaceae) fruit, stem and root bark for the treatment of uterine fibroid.  




19. Prof.  T.O.T. Imoobe Thyroid Endocrine disruption in Coptodon guineensis from Warri River. Animal & Environmental Biology  

Life Sciences

20. Prof. H.E. Oaikhenan A mixed method structural equation analysis of the effects of bullying on secondary school students’ wellbeing and academic performance.  



Social Sciences

21. Dr. S.E. Aghahowa Evaluation of the toxic effects of drugs and vaccine recommended for the treatment of COVID-19 infection  

Pharmacology & Toxicology



22. Dr. J.Ahmadu Socio-economic determinants of Arable crop farmers’ adaptation to climate change in Edo State, Nigeria Agricultural Economics & Extension Services Agriculture
23. Prof. C.O.  Emokaro Distribution impacts of anchor borrower programme on the welfare of paddy rice farming households in Oyo state, Nigeria. Agricultural Economics & Extension Services  


24. Dr. O.B Izekor Lassa fever safety practices information needs and search behaviour among garri processors and marketers in Edo state, Nigeria Agricultural Economics & Extension Services  


25. Prof.  I.T Aighewi Assessment of Hygiene status of Abattoirs and evaluation of the bacteriological quality of minimally processed raw emanating from these slaughter houses in Edo state, Nigeria  

Environmental Management & Toxicology


Life Sciences

26. Dr.O.A Oriazomwanian Entrepreneurial intentions of pre-retirees in University in Edo State. Entrepreneurship Management Sciences
27. Prof.  H.A. Oboh Determination of the Phytochemical, Nutritional and Antioxidant properties of orange flesh sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) leaves for use in human diet and as an animal feed.  

Medical Biochemistry


School of Basic Medical Sciences

28. O.Andre-Obayanju Comparative study on the thermal,compositional and geotechnical properties of some clay deposits in Edo state.  



Physical Sciences

29. B.O. Okobiebi Development of Ganoderma Tea and low glycaemic pleurotus condiments for fortification of locally produced bread.  

Science Laboratory Technology


Life Sciences

30. Engr.Dr. I.R Ilaboya Contaminant transport statistical and geospatial analysis of ground water quality around the vicinity of selected cemetery in Benin City.  

Civil Engineering



31. Dr.O.Erharuyi Phytochemical studies, safety and antimalarial activity screening of some Nigeria medicinal plants. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmacy
32. Prof E.U. Edosomwan Exploring the use of mobile phones and social media for rape reporting: A case study of two Universities in Edo State  

Animal & Environmental Biology


Life Sciences

33. Prof.C.I.  Ikhile A study of the sustainable development Goals (SGDs) with reference to water,and Environment (WE) linkages in Nigeria, West African Sub-Region  

Geography & Regional Planning


Social Sciences




Dr. C.P. Ogbu


Barriers to the growth of indigenous contractors in Nigeria.


Quantity Surveying


Environmental Sciences

35. Prof.  I.A. Ogboghodo Comparing Geographic Information System (GIS) assisted and conventional soil survey methods in the assessment of the soils of Akoko-Edo Local government area, Edo State. Soil Science &  Land Management Agriculture
36. Prof. E.O. Igbinosa Assessment of the Prevalence of Human Viral and Bacterial Pathogens in rivers in Edo North,Nigeria.  



Life Sciences

37. Dr. A.O. Omoregie The Ecology of Anopheles spp (Insecta;Diptera;Culicidae)and their roles in Malaria Transmission in Edo State,Nigeria  

Animal &Environmental Biology


Life Sciences

38. G.E. Uhunamure Bioremediatiation and Toxicological studies of the effects of Bonny Light crude oil on Allium Cepa Roots and Albino Wistar rats.  

Environmental Management & Toxicology


Life Sciences

39. Ojo Kennedy Odu Short Term Prediction of Hot-spot temperature and loss of life electric power distribution transformers. Science Laboratory Technology  

Life Sciences

40. Prof E.O Akpaja Domesticating and cultivation of local,Ganoderma species from Edo state,Nigeria Plant Biology and Biotechnology Life Sciences


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